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Learn how our Academic Team can help your teen with the following:
Position themselves strategically for their top choice colleges
Increase their SAT score substantially with our Private Coaches
Get full ride merit scholarships at selective colleges
Improve their GPA and AP scores to get waived college credits
Fill out this form to get insights on top College Admission strategies and SAT Prep resources for an amazing score.
“Every big SAT Score Jump is a remarkable story that marks personal growth in problem solving, influential writing, and critical thinking. Added together, the increased skills which will show itself throughout the rest of your application lifts the chance of acceptance at competitive colleges. ”
What Team Members are saying
Schedule a free 1:1 Strategy Session with us to advise you on the SAT/ACT Exam & College Process to see how we can help you achieve your goals.
Our Impact on our Student Team Members
“I really liked that Tigerway provided a supportive and hard working community where everyone was focused on one goal: getting better on the SAT. ”
“What I like most about Tigerway is that Larry will include everyone in the coaching environment. He won’t give up on you and make sure you improve”